ISBN: 9780877792963
Autor: Inc.Merriam-Webster
Descripción: An all NEW EDITION of the best-selling language reference covers the core English vocabulary of everyday life with new words added from a variety of fields. More than 75,000 updated definitions. Includes pronunciations, word origins, 1000 synonym lists, and over 8,000 usage examples aid understanding. Special sections for language learners inlude: Basic English Grammar, Irregular English Verbs, confused and Misused Words, and English Word Roots. New words added inlude: bromance, hashtag, and carbon footprint.

ISBN: 9788430699537
Autor: Real Academia De La Lengua Española
Descripción: Contiene más de 30 000 palabras y locuciones del léxico vivo del español general, y en particular de América. Las voces han sido cuidadosamente seleccionadas con vistas a recoger el vocabulario fundamental que debe manejar un estudiante de enseñanza secundaria, desechando los usos anticuados y puramente nacionales.

ISBN: 9780194799140
Autor: Albert Sydney Hornby, Joanna...
Descripción: The world's best-selling advanced learner's dictionary, now with Oxford iWriter to help students plan, write and review their written work.

ISBN: 9780877797302
Autor: Inc.Merriam-Webster
Descripción: An essential dictionary for children grades 3-5, ages 8-11 at an affordable price. This trade paperback dictionary includes 36,000 entries with extensive usage examples. It can be a wonderful tool to help with homeschooling and remote learning and can be used in Texas STAAR testing classrooms.

ISBN: 9780582332515
Editorial: PEARSON
Descripción: The clear, simple definitions are written using the 2,000-word Longman Defining Vocabulary, which means that students can be sure to understand the explanations. Helpful, natural examples illustrate the words and phrases in typical contexts, so students learn as well as understand.

ISBN: 9780333992128
Autor: Macmillan Education
Editorial: MACMILLAN
Descripción: This is a two-colour dictionary and CD-ROM for intermediate learners. The 3500 most important words to learn are higlighted in red and graded for frequency of use. "Menus" in entries with five or more senses guide the reader to the meaning wanted. There is a 24-page "language study" section on key areas such as pronunciation and collocation and wordbuilding help learners improve their English.

ISBN: 9788483234761
Autor: Cambridge University Press
Editorial: CAMBRIDGE
Descripción: The best dictionary for Spanish speakers learning English! With 61,000 words, phrases and examples and over 70,000 translations, it includes excellent coverage of British and American English, as well as Latin American Spanish and Peninsular Spanish.

ISBN: 9780877798217
Autor: Inc.Merriam-Webster
Descripción: Diccionario Español-Inglés Merriam-Webster is a bilingual, bidirectional guide to American English and Spanish with extensive coverage of Latin American Spanish. Designed especially for speakers of Spanish with up-to-date coverage of essential, current vocabulary. 80, 000 entries and 130, 000 translations with nearly 5, 000 new translations and hundreds of new words and phrases added across a variety of fields including technology, sports, lifestyle, food and beverage, science and medicine.